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How to Race at Goodwood… with Tony Dron

How to Race at Goodwood… with Tony Dron

Ever wondered what it’s like to drive a fiercely-fought race at the Goodwood Revival? This in-car video, taken 10 years ago in the Ferrari 246S Dino starting from pole position in the Sussex Trophy race at the 2003 Goodwood Revival, brings you as close as non-racers are ever likely to get…

What makes the video exceptional for real historic racing enthusiasts is Tony Dron’s post-race voiceover that talks you through the excitement – and the cool, logical strategy from the driver’s perspective – of the full, 20-minute race. “This is not intended to be entertainment,” he says, claiming it is simply “the race from the driver’s point of view, from start to finish…” But if this isn’t entertaining, Mr Dron, then we don’t know what is. It was a race of incredible tension in which Dron’s Ferrari dropped from pole position to fourth place as the 2.4-litre V6-engined Dino was outgunned at the start by the more powerful, big-engined brutes, only for him to gain place after place as the race progresses. We won’t spoil the story by telling you how it ends.

“It might have been filmed 10 years ago,” adds Dron, “but little has changed in historic racing at Goodwood in that time – except the value of the cars, of course!”

If you want to skip the formation lap and the green flag lap (along with Dron’s explanation of the history of this unique Ferrari), you could jump straight to the race start, around 10 minutes into the video – but we do suggest you take 40 minutes out of your day to watch the entire thing “from start to finish”. It’s worth it.