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The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva

The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva

Auf dem Genfer Automobilsalon gibt es jedes Jahr wundervolle Formen aus Blech, Aluminium und Karbon zu sehen. Doch stehen die schönsten Kurven meist nicht neben den Neuheiten? Classic Driver hat verglichen.

The Eyes

The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva

The Lips

The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva

The Curves

The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva

The Legs and the Rest

The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva
The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva The Eyes, Lips, Hips and Curves of Geneva

Fotos: Nanette Schärf