1955 SIM Pegaso
Torino, 27 April
Lot sold
USD 532 - 1 064
EUR 500 - 1 000 (listed)
USD 532 - 1 064
EUR 500 - 1 000 (listed)
Year of manufacture1955
Motorcycle typeStreet
Lot number164
Not registered, without papers.
VIN No. 16173_x000D_
Engine No. * 59/15419 *S_x000D_
The SIM (Società Italiana Motori) Company, founded in Milan by former Motom employees, was particularly active in the construction of 4-stroke mopeds. In 1955, they presented an interesting moped called Pegaso, with a robust frame assembled by OMP of Parma, with a telescopic front fork and a pair of shock absorbers acting on a swingarm. Restored and presumably never used since. A general mechanical check is recommended before use.
Aste Bolaffi
Via Cavour 17
10123Torino Torino