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Heuer ‘Easy-Rider’: Ickx marks the spot

Heuer ‘Easy-Rider’: Ickx marks the spot

Wait a minute, isn’t this watch named after the famous 1960s counter-culture movie? No, perhaps the hyphen in the name is a clue, but alongside the legend ‘Easy-Rider’ is the name of another: the Belgian ace Jacky Ickx.

In the early 70s, Heuer presented the ‘Easy-Rider’ collection as an affordable range aimed at the sort of buyers who might be tempted by a cheap Japanese watch, the entry level model costing a third of the price of a 'Carrera'. At the top of the range, though, was the 'Jacky Ickx', introduced in 1972 when the great Belgian was driving for Heuer-supported Ferrari in F1 and sports cars. It carries his signature on its face.

Very 1970s, the elliptical case made it stand out and, when shown in the ‘helmet’ display box, the 'Jacky Ickx Easy-Rider' was instantly recognisable in jewellers and department stores worldwide.

Heuer ‘Easy-Rider’: Ickx marks the spot Heuer ‘Easy-Rider’: Ickx marks the spot Heuer ‘Easy-Rider’: Ickx marks the spot

Despite the clever marketing, the watches were not successful at the time – all the more reason for collectors to search for the perfect example now.

Related Links

This Heuer Easy-Rider and many other classic Heuer watches can be found at the specialist dealer Classic Heuer


Photos: Classic Heuer, TAGHeuer Archive