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These are the most beautiful roads in northern Germany and Denmark

These are the most beautiful roads in northern Germany and Denmark

While Stefan Bogner usually photographs the most beautiful serpentine roads of the Alps for his magazine ‘Curves’, with the latest issue, which is dedicated to the idyllic roads of northern Germany and Denmark, Bogner proves that his ‘Curves principle’ works even when there aren’t any curves…

As a former Hamburg resident exiled to Switzerland, I can appreciate that both the curved roads of the Alps and the “Platte Land” of northern Germany and the coast of Denmark have their charms. But if you’re looking for the great freedom of which Hans Albers once raved, you’ll find it under a huge sky in northern Germany, as the salty breeze tousles your hair and you barely have to touch your steering wheel to keep you on course. With that said, I was excited when the latest edition of Stefan Bogner’s street art magazine Curves recently landed on my desk, as there lay on the front page a familiar coastal road and lighthouse from the far north instead of the usual Stilfserjoch or Großglockner.

With impressive aerial photographs and centrally composed street pictures that literally draw you into the horizon, Stefan Bogner takes us on a wonderful road trip along the North and Baltic Sea coasts from Emden to Sylt, Aarhus, and Copenhagen. So why jet-set around the world in 2018, when our neighbourhoods hold such beautiful landscapes that are just waiting to be explored by us in a beautiful sports car? There is no nicer homage to Germany and Denmark's coastal roads.

Photos: Stefan Bogner

The latest issue of Curves can be found here.