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Sure-footed Porsches curve-hunting on the ‘Mille Miglia of the Alps’

Sure-footed Porsches curve-hunting on the ‘Mille Miglia of the Alps’

Twenty mountain passes in four days. For travelling tourists, this might sound like a nightmare, but for experienced drivers, it’s the ultimate challenge – one that photographer Stefan Bogner and some like-minded Porsche enthusiasts happily rose to…

In his latest book ‘Porsche Drive’, Stefan Bogner has already presented the perfect Alpine tour for a long weekend. Now director David Zu Elfe of Itx Films has made a stunning video of Bogner’s ‘Mille Miglia of the Alps’, beautifully documenting the four-day, 2,000km drive from Timmelsjoch to the Sustenpass.

You can find the perfect Porsche for your personal Alpine tour listed for sale in the Classic Driver Market.