Founded by James Mitchell, Pendine Historic Cars offers a small but well-curated selection of sports and racing cars. Two years ago, we visited his 'Blast House' on the ground of the former Bicester airfield and had a lengthy chat with James about his then-new venture. For our new article format 'Stock Check', we have now selected ten cars from his dealer page on Classic Driver that we would love to take for a spin. In particular, his two ACs, a 1958 Ace and a 1960 Aceca, would be perfect for a tour of the British countryside, while we can probably only dream about taking the orange 1971 Porsche 911 S/T on a curve-hunting journey across the Alps.
Stock Check: Pendine Historic Cars
From Edwardian racers to the supercars of the 1990s, Pendine Historic Cars at Bicester Heritage in the UK caters to all automotive tastes. We picked our top ten cars from its current stock...