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Not all Land Rovers have to be green, you know...

Not all Land Rovers have to be green, you know...

You might be surprised to hear that not all Land Rovers are dark green and trudging through muddy forests in dark and dankest England – as our friends at Cool & Vintage are keen to demonstrate…

Sinister specification

The stealth-spec Land Rover Series 3 looks positively menacing, as though it belongs in a Bond villain’s Alpine lair rather than on a picturesque coastline. In fact, it reminded us of Bamford Watch Department’s founder George Bamford’s all-black 101 Forward Control, that we had the pleasure of experiencing late last year in… you guessed it, wet and windy England. While the Cotswolds is all well and good in mid-December, we’d perhaps rather be cruising in our Landy (canvas roof hitched open, naturally) in sunny Lisbon, where this car was photographed by our friends at Cool & Vintage

Photos: Cool & Vintage

You can find a wide variety of classic Land Rovers listed for sale in the Classic Driver Market.