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Never-ending summer with a Maserati Mistral Spyder

Never-ending summer with a Maserati Mistral Spyder

There are simply no excuses for not getting out and enjoying the last of the summer, particularly if you’ve got a drop-top Maserati Mistral in the driveway…

No excuses

Classic convertibles don’t become unusable as soon as the first leaves begin to turn their autumnal shade of orange. In fact, there’s a gentle satisfaction about using a drop-top in the year’s later months, when the air is crisp and the sunshine mood lifting. The man in this wonderful short video clearly needs no persuading to snatch a spirited afternoon drive in his delectable Maserati Mistral Spyder. Why sit indoors marvelling at the car’s brochure if you can get out and experience its thrills first hand? 

Photo / Video: Kidston SA

You can find a broad selection of classic and modern Maseratis listed for sale in the Classic Driver Market.