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Lamborghini’s Terzo Millennio is a tantalising taste of the future of the supercar

Lamborghini’s Terzo Millennio is a tantalising taste of the future of the supercar

Historically, Lamborghini’s take on the future of motoring has been nothing short of spectacular — just look at the Marzal or the Bravo. Very much following the trend, this is the latest concept to emerge from Sant’Agata (or rather Cambridge, Massachusetts), and it’s called the Terzo Millennio…

Teeming with technology

Designed in collaboration with students and professors from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the all-electric Terzo Millennio answers the simple question of what the super sports car of the future might look like. While the self-healing, energy-harvesting carbon-fibre body (yes, really) was styled by Lamborghini’s in-house design team, the car teems with technology honed together with MIT. It uses supercapacitors instead of conventional batteries, for example, which, while less dense, can charge, harvest, and discharge energy much quicker. And these will drive four electric motors that are mounted directly to the wheels, rather than in the middle of the car, allowing for greater abilities when it comes to torque vectoring. There’s even a ‘deep investigation’ into how the Terzo Millennio could sound like a proper Lamborghini. It’s just a concept for now, but we’re delighted to see Lamborghini once again at the fore of technology and taking an interest not only in its future but also that of the sports car itself. Bravo! 

Photos: Lamborghini

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