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The ‘Dandy Defender’ is too cool for this planet...

The ‘Dandy Defender’ is too cool for this planet...

Millions of owners trust their Land Rover Defenders to truly ‘go anywhere’ – but this rejuvenated example, brought back to life by Cool & Vintage, is simply too cool to make do with roaming the rugged terrain of Planet Earth…

As a result, the 2003 Defender D90 was photographed on Mars, where it was chaperoned by the only man on Earth cool enough to make the journey with it. With it, he brought news that Grasmere Green is so Q1 2016 – and if you want to be a true man of the moment, your Defender should be painted in Capuccino with brown Connolly leather and beige Raffia carpets throughout. Throw in a custom brown Mohair fabric roof and heavy-duty wheels shod with Goodyear Wranglers, and you too might have a chance of becoming orange-socks-cool.

Photos: Cool & Vintage

This ‘Dandy Defender’ is currently for sale in the Classic Driver Market via Cool & Vintage.