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Are you ready for the 90th anniversary of the Mille Miglia?

Are you ready for the 90th anniversary of the Mille Miglia?

Celebrating its 90th anniversary and 35th modern edition this year, the legendary Mille Miglia will commence this week in Brescia, and we thought this was the perfect opportunity to take a look back at Rémi Dargegen’s awe-inspiring photos from years past...

The next few days prior to the race will see over 450 entrants gather together to prepare for an unforgettable four-day, 1,000-mile journey throughout the beautiful Italian landscape. With race numbers and road books distributed, it’s at these pre-race affairs — the blessing of the vehicles and the sealing ceremonies — where comradery grows and good-natured rivalries are established.

Rally revelry

From Thursday to Sunday, we’ll soon see how these rivalries come to play on the rally stage, because even though the Mille Miglia has become slightly less ‘spirited’ than its precursor, it’s certainly no leisurely drive. The charm of having red lights waived, police escorts employed, and enthusiastic crowds lining the route, just as they did all those years ago, is juxtaposed against long stretches at the wheel, the frustrating nuances of a classic car, stunted overnight rest stops, and challenging regularity time trials. The rally is a true test of stamina and endurance for both man and machine. To remind you of all the riveting moments to come, take a peek at Rémi Dargegen’s photo gallery of the Mille Miglia from years past. And to all those competing later this week, we wish you a safe and pleasurable journey...

Photos: Rémi Dargegen for Classic Driver © 2017