Gevrey-Chambertin Clos Saint-Jacques Premier Cru, Domaine Armand Rousseau
Torino, 21. November
Lot sold
USD 1 702 - 3 404
EUR 1 600 - 3 200 (listed)
USD 1 702 - 3 404
EUR 1 600 - 3 200 (listed)
TypWeine & Spirituosen
2012 (1 bt) RP 95/100 2013 (1 bt) 2014 (1 bt) RP 97/100 From the private cellar of a wine expert SF: Despite being a Premier Cru, Clos Saint Jacques di Rousseau can hold its head up high with the Gevrey Chambertin Grand Crus. For lovers of this domaine, three great bottles at less eye watering prices than its Grand Crus. A good opportunity. (Tot. 3 bts)
Aste Bolaffi
Via Cavour 17
10123Torino Torino