Assorted motoring reference books
TypBücher & Magazine
Assorted motoring reference books, including Schlegelmilch & Lehbrink: Mercedes, 2 Volume set in slip case; William Court: Power and Glory, first edition, with dustjacket (taped repairs and tears); four Rolls-Royce titles by Dalton Watson; John Fasal: The Rolls-Royce Twenty; Bird & Hallows: The Rolls-Royce Motor Car; Oldham: The Rolls-Royce 40/50Hp Ghosts, Phantoms and Spectres; A "Book of General & Technical Information useful to Drivers & Owners of Rolls-Royce Cars" 40-50Hp April 1922, reprinted and revised edition October 1923; a '20Hp Rolls-Royce Car Instruction book' condensed edition, November 1925, April 1927 and number 7; a '25-30Hp Rolls-Royce Car Handbook' condensed edition; five post-War motoring programmes including 1956 British Grand Prix and Goodwood 1962 Festival of Motoring and other books.