1954 Jaguar XK 120
Rally Winning, Works Built and Supported!-
AutomobiltypCabriolet / Roadster
LenkungLenkung rechts
Anzahl der Türen2
Zahl der Sitze2
Special Features
-Old English White Bodywork
-Old English White Wire Wheels
-Leather bonnet strap
-Unique Twin Exhausts made by the factory for improved ground clearance
-Factory louvred bonnet
-Quick fill Petrol Cap
-Original Registration Number RJH 400
-Included with the car are the original and irreplaceable Dutch Tulip and Alpine Rally plates
-The provenance includes the original Dutch Tulip trophies, together with badges from the Tulip and Alpine Rallies
-Red leather buckets seats with matching dash (dashboard original)
-Original Sand Cast SU Carburettors
-Close Ratio Moss Gearbox fitted new by Works
-Mostly original dials and switchgear
-Internal Isolation switch
-Original Chassis Plate
-Twin Petrol Pumps in Parallel
-Stiffer Torsion bars
-Competition Shock Absorbers
RJH 400 Chassis S661165 was prepared new by the factory for Eric Haddon to compete in the 1954 Tulip and Alpine International Rallies. Lofty England, manager of the Jaguar Sports Car Racing Team, entered RJH400 as a works prepared car for these events.
Although not owned by Jaguar Cars Ltd, Sir John Egan referred to RJH 400 as “our XK120” such was its importance. Indeed NUB 120 and RUB 120 which are now owned by Jaguar Land Rover Classics Ltd & the Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust also started out as privateer vehicles prepared by the works.
RJH400 won its class in the 1954 Alpine Rally and was 2nd in class in the 1954 Tulip Rally.
Today RJH400 is one of the two works prepared international rally XK120’retaining all its key original components and features, including its original Engine block, cylinder head and gearbox running 2” original sand cast SU carburettors (original SU’s retained).
There is a full chronological history of owners supported by the original buff logbook with a feature on the car by Philip Porter in the XK Gazette July 2021, and a further article on the car in Classic & Sports Car June 1983 by Mike McCarthy.
One of the only 2 surviving Works prepared and Works entered Alpine Rally Class winning XK120s from the total of 4 Alpine Class Winning XKs
-One of only three works prepared XK120’s for international rallies
-1st in Class in the 1954 Alpine Rally
-2nd in class in the 1954 Dutch Tulip Rally
-1st in the unlimited class of the 1954 MCC – REDeX National Rally
-Competed in the 1955 RAC International Rally
-Winner of “XK120 Class International XK day” 1978
-Competed in the RAC Golden 50 Rally of 1982 (along with NUB120)
-Mille Miglia, Classic Le Mans and Goodwood Eligible
-A comprehensive strip and conservation of RJH 400 with detailed photographs was completed in 2001/05.
-Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust Production Record Trace Certificate is present
Featured articles
-Classic and Sports Car magazine, June 1983
-Thoroughbred & Classic Cars, March 1987
-XK Gazette Philip Porter, July 2021
-“Jaguar Sports Racing & Works Competition Cars from 1954” Haynes
-“ The Jaguar XK120 in Competition” written by Dr. James Fraser